Find the Right Hire
Identify and hire great talent for your company through a partnership with PurposeWorks. We have an 15-year proven track record of connecting employers with qualified candidates.
Help meet a need in the Austin community while getting a great return on your investment as we shorten your hiring time and make it easier to identify and have an initial discussion with top talent.
PurposeWorks is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and not a recruiting firm. Our job seekers are both employed and unemployed professionals.
For more information, contact Craig Foster, Executive Director at
Do you have job leads that you want to share with the JSN network? Email them to!
Our Reach
10,000+ in our Austin Job Seekers Network LinkedIn group
900 job seekers attend our training annually
4,500 on active email list
Levels of Engagement
- Send your job leads to, and we’ll announce them or post on our LinkedIn group
- Post job leads on our Austin Job Seekers Network LinkedIn Group
- Arrange with us by emailing us at to come announce your jobs at one of our meetings.
- Become a corporate sponsor and get exclusive promotion of your company, brand and jobs on Monday morning
- We can assist with special database searches and email announcements to our network.
Our Candidates Are Prepared
We train weekly on career direction, life purpose, personal brand, resumes, LinkedIn, interviewing, networking, and more. We help the candidates understand their wiring, ideal fit and how to articulate their value through our career direction workshop. Our job seekers are well prepared to present themselves, with solid resumes and interview skills.
Candidates are experienced and from a variety of professional areas: IT, Engineering (S/W, H/W), QA, Project/Program Mgmt., Sales, Marketing, Admin., Supply Chain, Customer Service, Finance/Accounting, HR and more.
A Few Companies We've Helped
- Dell
- Accruent
- SailPoint
- Peak Performers
- Community Impact Newspaper
- Texas Commission of Environmental Quality
- Hanger
- Austin Water
- Ericsson
- Samsung
- Austin Energy
- Bulls Eye Recruiting
- Q2ebanking
- And many more…
I'd Like More Information on How PurposeWorks Can Help
PurposeWorks is a top-notch organization and I can trust them to show me mature, qualified, professional talent for technical, commercial and operational roles. I first connected with Craig and PurposeWorks as Talent Acquisition Leader at Samsung Austin Semiconductor and made at least 3 good hires over 3 years, just from dropping in to their Monday morning Job Seekers Network meetings. I have continued that support, and experienced identical success while at ARM and AMD. I’ve worked closely with Craig as an advisor and keynote speaker. His heart for connecting job seekers and employers is evident in all of PurposeWorks' excellent programs and services.