Thank you for participating in our PurposeWorks Guide Program! We appreciate learning about your experience to make this process as successful as it can be. Please give us feedback on the guide program: Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Name of the guide you worked with:(Required) First Last Below are some of the topics our guides may have covered with you. Which did you find most valuable about working with our volunteer? (check all that apply)(Required) Resume Writing Leveraging LinkedIn Networking Learning Current Job Search Strategies Salary Negotiation Interview Coaching Clarity figuring out what work I want to do next (career direction) Gaining confidence in the value I offer employers Increased motivation and accountability Prayer and support empowerment Confirmed my calling Better understanding of how to apply my gifting Guidance on pursuing my purpose Personally connecting with someone to answer questions Other (please indicate below) Additional topics covered:(Required)Share any additional comments about your experience here:Do we have your permission to publish your first name and comments on our website/other promotional materials for the guide program?(Required) Yes! No. CAPTCHA Δ